CPR number - Danish personal tax and ID number
The CPR number is a personal registration number that you use in your contact with Danish authorities. It is also often used when you register with private companies. There are several rules regarding the registration of the Danish citizens in the CPR register.
Read more at the CPR website cpr.dk
CPR number application when planning to commute to Denmark
When you come to Denmark to work and you have received your employment contract from your Danish employer, you need to apply for a tax card. In Danish, tax card is called 'skattekort' and it contains information about your withholding tax rate, tax deductions and allowances. To get a Danish tax card you need a civil registration number (CPR number) or a tax number.
Read more about the Danish tax card and personal tax number at skat.dk/taxcard
Read more about the marriage certificate at skatteverket.se
To apply for a CPR number if you move to Copenhagen
If you are moving to Copenhagen, you should first visit International House Copenhagen’s webbpage to apply online for a CPR number. You fill in the application online and then you get an appointment to visit International Citizen Service at the International House to pick up your CPR number in person.