A short introduction to the Danish a-kasse (unemployment insurance funds)
A-kasser (unemployment insurance funds) administer unemployment benefits in Denmark and offer a range of services to their members. In the following, there is a brief introduction to the topic to different Danish a-kasse organisations.
Arbejdsløshedskasser - also called a-kasser in Denmark are organisations, which in most cases are linked to trade unions. The organisations offer insurance against unemployment and administer public laws and regulations in the field. Every a-kasse has a designated EU-case worker whom you can contact.
Note that being a member of an unemployment fund is voluntary. If you choose not to be a member, you are not covered if unemployed.
The members of an a-kasse (unemployment insurance fund) finance its activities through their membership and by paying labour market contributions.
A-kasse can help you with the following
- payment of unemployment benefit (dagpenge), holiday pay (feriedagpenge) when you get unemployment benefits and so-called efterløn, which is a special pension through membership to the a-kasse
- agreement guidance
- contact information for the Jobcenter
- outreach work to help the unemployed living in Denmark back into employment
Many a-kasse organisations also offer advice, courses, personal guidance with a coach, etc. The fee for a Danish a-kasse varies, but is usually around DKK 500 /month, which is deductable.
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