Visiting a dentist in Denmark

Last updated 2025-01-24

If you live in Sweden and work in Denmark you have the right to use Danish dental care. You will need to present the Danish social insurance card (særligt sundhedskort). I you prefer to use a Swedish dentist, you can request a certificate from Försäkringskassan.


Dentistry contributions in Denmark

Healthcare which include dental care in Denmark is subsidized. Practitioners, specialists, dentists, dental nurses and physiotherapists set the price of treatment themselves and if, the cost of treatment exceeds the reimbursement from the specific region you belong to, you must pay the difference yourself.

In some clinics, the reimbursement is deducted from the bill and you have to pay the rest of the clinic´s fee. In other clinics, you have to pay the whole bill first, and then you can get the reimbursement from your local authority where you live, or where your Danish employer is situated, if you live in Sweden.


Read more and apply for the special health insurance card at


Emergency dental care in Denmark

If you need emergency dental care outside of normal dentist working hours, for example if you have a tooth ache or a damage has occurred, you can contact an on-call dentist, either at a clinic in the local area or part of the Emergency Department. Commuters are entitled to the same support as people who live in Denmark. 


Dentist in Sweden when you work in Denmark

People who live in Sweden and are affiliated to the Danish social insurance also have the right to subsidized dental care in Sweden. Before you visit the dentist, you should request a certificate from Försäkringskassan (The Swedish Social Insurance Agency), which you will need to show at the dental appointment. The certificate is called "Intyg om rätt till vårdförmåner i Sverige för personer bosatta i Sverige men försäkrade i ett annat EU/EES-land eller Schweiz" (FK 5435) (Certificate on the right to care benefits in Sweden for persons residing in Sweden but insured in another EU/EEA country or Switzerland).

You also need to be registered at Försäkringskassan.


Get the form FK 5435 at


Read more about getting registered at Försäkringskassan


Your application should include:

  • a copy of proof of employment
  • your last payslip
  • your employer's contact details


Remember to write your Swedish personal identity number (person-/ samordningsnummer) on all documents.


Find out more about living in Sweden and working abroad at

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