Taxes Family and parenting Health care Pensions Trade unions and unemployment funds Work as a cultural worker Working in Denmark

Health care

Find information about what will happen if you get sick while working in Denmark. What rights do you have for dental care and how does Danish health insurance work?

The right to healthcare when you work in Denmark

Denmark has public healthcare, which means that you are entitled to be treated by a doctor or in a hospital. If you live in Sweden and work in Denmark, you can choose the country in which you wish to be treated.

Visiting a dentist in Denmark

If you live in Sweden and work in Denmark you have the right to use Danish dental care. You will need to present the Danish social insurance card (særligt sundhedskort). I you prefer to use a Swedish dentist, you can request a certificate from Försäkringskassan.

Danish health insurance

Public health insurance in Denmark means that you are entitled to get medical treatment at the doctor and at the hospital for free. Commuters, who live in Sweden and work in Denmark, are normally entitled to healthcare in both countries.

If you get sick in Denmark

In an emergency – call 112. Otherwise you must contact the emergency medical service (“lægevagten”) before going to the hospital. There is no equivalent to the Swedish health centre (“vårdcentral”) – instead you must choose your own doctor (“egen læge”) who is the one you always contact in connection with less serious illness.

Social insurance if you work in Denmark

Being affiliated with the social insurance system of a country means that you are eligible for benefits such as parental allowance, sickness benefit and other benefits in that country. If you work full-time in Denmark and live in Sweden, you follow the general rule that you are affiliated with the system in Denmark, the country in which you work.

Social security when working in both Denmark and Sweden

A person is only entitled to social security in one country. According to the general rule, this is in the country where you physically perform your work. If you have a job in both Denmark and Sweden at the same time, your social security affiliation depends on how much you work in each respective country.

Sick leave and sickness benefits in Denmark

In Denmark there is no sick pay deduction as in Sweden when you get sick. Read about your right to full pay during illness and when you are entitled to Danish sickness benefits.

Got a job in Denmark? Follow these steps

Have you just got a job in Denmark?

We have the checklist with information about all the practical steps you need to take, and what you must consider.

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