Working in Denmark without work permit
Both hiring companies and jobseekers who are non EU/EEA citizens lack knowledge of permission to work in Denmark.
We see many cases where people start working without having checked the right to work in the country, which means some people without EU/EEA citizenship work illegally in Denmark without knowing it.
The right to work in Denmark is continuously monitored by the authorities in Denmark. The consequences of working in a country without a work permit can be very extensive both in the country you work in and in the country you live in.
The company that employs a person without a work permit can also receive high penalties - usually in the form of a fine.
EU/EEA citizens have the right to work in all EU/EEA countries, but citizens from countries outside EU/EEA countries - so-called 3rd country citizens - must have a work permit for the country in which they are to work. This means that 3rd country citizens who live and have a residence permit in Sweden do not automatically have the right to work in Denmark.
Read our article Permission to work in Denmark