How to look for a job in Denmark

Last updated 2025-03-20

If you are thinking of looking for a job in Denmark, you can find vacant posts here on Øresunddirekt, other vacancy banks, check company websites or send an unsolicited job application. You can find more tips on how to find your dream job in Denmark here.


This information is for EU-citizens only

Looking for a job in Denmark

  • You can find vacant posts in Denmark through our website (we work together with the Danish job database Jobindex). We have limited the jobs visible on this site to being only jobs to which you can easily commute from Skåne - that is to say jobs on Zealand.

See all vacancies (in Swedish)


  • Keep an eye on interesting companies/organisations by reading newspapers and searching on the internet. Which companies are planning to employ new staff soon?

  • Check company websites where you can often find current vacancies in the "Work with us" section.

  • Send unsolicited applications (more common in Denmark) - a so called "uopfordret ansøgning". Applications are sometimes saved for future needs.

  • "Knock on doors." In some sectors (e.g. sectors with a lot of customer contact), it can be a good idea to show up at the workplace with a CV and cover letter.

  • Trade unions/a-kasser (unemployment insurance fund) can also inform you about new jobs.

  • Register with some recruitment agencies.

  • Use different online job banks where you can add your CV. For instance,, or Greater Copenhagen's career portal.


Work in Denmark


Greater Copenhagen's career portal


The Danish public vacancy banks

Jobnet is a website that corresponds to the Swedish Arbetsförmedlingen's Platsbanken. On the Jobnet website you can search for job vacancies and get tips for job seekers in Denmark.
You can also visit Work in Denmark and its website and search for job vacancies. Work in Denmark is the public agency that works to recruit qualified employees to Denmark from other countries. As well as being able to search for vacant jobs, you can also get practical tips on how to look for a job in Denmark.



Work in Denmark (all in English)


Unsolicited job applications in Denmark

In Danish, unsolicited job applications are called "uopfordret ansøgning". Many employers appreciate unsolicited job applications, which are regarded as a sign of initiative and ambition in Denmark. Even if the employer is not recruiting staff at the moment, submitted applications that are of interest are often kept for future needs. 

You can get more tips on what you should think about when you apply on the Danish public employment service's website.



Work and residence permits for foreign nationals

If you come from a country within the Nordic region, you can travel freely to Denmark to live or work there. If you are a citizen of an EU/EEA country, you can stay in Denmark for 3 months without applying for a registration certificate/residence permit.

If you are a citizen of a country outside of the EU/EEA, there are several factors that determine whether you can be granted a residence permit and work permit in Denmark.

Find out more in our article: Permission to work in Denmark

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You are always welcome to visit our Information Center in Malmö to get help with your questions regarding working, moving or studying in Denmark.

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