We are updating the website. If you experience any problems, try again later or contact us. Contact


If you could not find the information you were looking for on oresunddirekt.com you are welcome to visit, call or write to our information centre in Malmö.


At our Information Centre in Malmö, there are information officers from Skatteverket (Swedish Tax Agency), Försäkringskassan (Swedish Social Insurance Agency), Arbetsförmedlingen (Swedish Public Employment Service), Länsstyrelsen Skåne who can answer your questions and provide you with more information related to your situation, free of charge.

Please note, that if you want to visit the Informationscenter to speak to Arbetsförmedlingen (Swedish Public Employment Service), it can be a good idea to call the information center in advance to make sure that the employees are present at the information center on that day. 


Karta Ny Adress

Øresunddirekts Informationscenter Hjälmaregatan 3 211 18 Malmö

Opening Hours

Monday - wednesday 10:00 - 15:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 15:00


Contact Øresunddirekt

Please bear in mind that Øresunddirekt is a collaboration between government agencies and that what you write in an email could become a public document ('allmän handling'). It is possible, depending on the question, that emails sent to oresunddirekt@lansstyrelsen.se are sent on to Arbetsförmedlingen (Swedish Public Employment service), Försäkringskassan (Swedish Social Insurance Agency), Länsstyrelsen (County Administrative Board), Skatteverket (Swedish Tax Agency), Region Skåne or our editorial board in Denmark. Therefore, please be careful when submitting sensitive or personal information when you send us an email.


Øresunddirekt might have special opening hours during holidays and internal seminars.


See special opening hours at Øresunddirekt 


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